Objective of cooking in food production
- Enhance aesthetic appeal
- Destroy harmful organisms
- Improve digestibility, maximize nutrient retention
Computers in production
- Expanding or reducing recipes
- Storing recipes
Standardized recipe
- A recipe that has been carefully tested under controlled conditions. A recipe is considered standardized only when it has been adapted for use by a specific food service.
- An orderly arrangement of the recipe information should be developed.
- Recipe title
- Yield and portion size
- Cooking time and temperature: this is often listed at the top of the page so preheating the oven and scheduling of cooking can be determined without reading the entire recipe.
- Names of ingredients are usually listed on the left side of the recipe with the quantities arranged in one or more columns to accommodate different yield.
- As purchased (AP)
- Directions for preparation should be listed in logical steps
- Timing should be provided for some procedures
- The recipe should be tested before being served to customers
Recipe yield
- A measure of the total amount produced by a recipe
Quality standard
- measurable statement of the aesthetic characteristic of food item that serve as the basis for sensory analysis of the food product
Recipe adjustment
- Factor method: quantities of ingredients in the original recipe are multiplied by a conversion factor
- Percentage method: the percentage of the total weight of the product is calculated for each ingredient
Adapting small quantity recipes
- Prepare the product in the amount of the original recipe
- Evaluate the product
- Double or expand the recipe, evaluate
- Double or expend recipe again, evaluate
- If satisfactory at this point, enlarge the recipe by increment of 25 %
- Forecasting is a prediction of food needs for a day or other specific period of time
Reason for forecasting
- A great amount of time is needed to complete all phases of menu item production
- Accurate forecasting minimize the chance of overproduction
Quantities to produce
- Determine the portion size in ounces
- Multiple portion size by estimated number to be served and convert to pound. This is the edible portion
- To determine the amount to order divide the EP by the yield
- Convert the amount needed to purchase units
- A decision making and communication process whereby the production staff is informed of how the actual activity of food preparation is to take place over a specified period of time.
- Ingredient assembly
- Personnel and equipment
- Portion control
- This is part of the initial testing phase of a new recipe and important for quality control
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